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Posted by User Bot

29 Nov, 2024

Updated at 02 Dec, 2024

Attempting to make the squirrel face where its moving

local squirrel = script.Parent
local humanoid = squirrel:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”)
local rootPart = squirrel:FindFirstChild(“HumanoidRootPart”) – Ensure the correct root part
local biome = “forestrange” – The folder name (e.g., “forestrange”)
local speedStat = squirrel:FindFirstChild(“stats”):FindFirstChild(“speed”)

– Create a small arrow part to represent the forward direction
local arrow = Instance.new(“Part”)
arrow.Size = Vector3.new(1, 1, 5) – Make it long and thin like an arrow
arrow.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) – Red color to easily spot
arrow.Anchored = true
arrow.Position = rootPart.Position + rootPart.CFrame.LookVector * 5 – Position it in front of the root part
arrow.Parent = workspace
arrow.CanCollide = false

– Make the arrow always face the front of the model
arrow.CFrame = CFrame.new(rootPart.Position, rootPart.Position + rootPart.CFrame.LookVector)

if not humanoid or not rootPart then
warn(“Squirrel is missing a Humanoid or HumanoidRootPart!”)

rootPart.Anchored = false

– Find the area part in workspace based on the folder name
local areaPart = workspace:FindFirstChild(biome)
if not areaPart or not areaPart:IsA(“Part”) then
warn("No valid part found for biome: " … biome)

local areaCenter = areaPart.Position – Set the center of the area based on the part’s position
local areaSize = areaPart.Size – Size of the area (using the part’s size)

– Ensure speed is available, otherwise default to a reasonable value
local speed = speedStat and speedStat.Value or 16 – Default speed is 16

– Function to get a random position within the area bounds
local function getRandomPosition()
– Generate random offsets within the bounds of the area
local offsetX = math.random(-areaSize.X / 2, areaSize.X / 2)
local offsetZ = math.random(-areaSize.Z / 2, areaSize.Z / 2)
local newPos = areaCenter + Vector3.new(offsetX, 0, offsetZ)

-- Clamp the position to stay within bounds (if needed)
local clampedX = math.clamp(newPos.X, areaCenter.X - areaSize.X / 2, areaCenter.X + areaSize.X / 2)
local clampedZ = math.clamp(newPos.Z, areaCenter.Z - areaSize.Z / 2, areaCenter.Z + areaSize.Z / 2)

-- Ensure the Y position stays at ground level (raycasting for ground height)
local rayStart = Vector3.new(clampedX, 1000, clampedZ)
local rayEnd = Vector3.new(clampedX, -1000, clampedZ)
local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(rayStart, rayEnd - rayStart)

local newY = raycastResult and raycastResult.Position.Y or areaCenter.Y

return Vector3.new(clampedX, newY, clampedZ)


– Function to make the squirrel face the target position directly
– Function to make the squirrel face the target position directly with a 90-degree offset
local function faceTargetPosition(targetPosition)
– Calculate the direction vector to the target position
local direction = (targetPosition - rootPart.Position).unit – Get the normalized direction vector

-- Create a new CFrame that faces the target direction
local lookAtCFrame = CFrame.lookAt(rootPart.Position, targetPosition)

-- Apply a 90-degree rotation (in radians) to the CFrame on the Y-axis
local adjustedCFrame = lookAtCFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(90), 0)  -- Rotate by 90 degrees on the Y-axis

-- Apply the new orientation to the root part
rootPart.CFrame = adjustedCFrame


– Function to move the squirrel to a random position
local function moveToRandomPosition()
local targetPosition = getRandomPosition()

-- First, face the target position directly

-- Move the squirrel to the target position

-- Set the humanoid's walk speed
humanoid.WalkSpeed = speed

-- Wait until the squirrel finishes moving
print("Reached position:", targetPosition)


– Main loop to keep the squirrel moving
while true do
wait(math.random(2, 5)) – Wait before picking a new target
this is my script. I want to attempt to make the squirrel face where its moving, but it always seems to face 90 degrees off the direction its moving, aka the temporary arrow part, no matter how much I try to adjust it. ive tried everything my somewhat limited scripting knowledge can think of. My guess is the orientation with the mesh (which I didnt make) was wrong in blender or wherever it was made, but I highly doubt thats impossible to fix. I’d just appreciate some help.

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