Hi everyone
I have a script that’s supposed to make a pet that follows the player around wherever they go. I’ve been doing this, and I do in fact have a working script. I was going to ask, however, into what folder I should put it in so that it works.
local object = workspace.follow -- insert the object you want to follow the player here
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local speed = 20 -- set the speed at which the object will follow the player
while true do
local playerPos = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
local objectPos = object.Position
local direction = (playerPos - objectPos).Unit
local distance = (playerPos - objectPos).Magnitude
if distance > 5 then -- only moves if distance is greater than 0.1
object.CFrame = object.CFrame + direction * speed * math.min(distance, 1/60)
if distance > 10 then
object.CFrame = object.CFrame + direction * 30 * math.min(distance, 1/60)
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