Trying to make it so that my raycast ignores all can collidable parts.
I made it ignore it in the raycast, however it for some reason like because the mouse still sees the collidable part, it disorts it and gives me this weird issue. I want to figure out how to raycast to where the mouse is clicked and ignore certain parts completely.
Heres a video:
function Framework:Raycast(Origin, EndPos, IgnoreList, Range, CallCheck, MaxRunTimes, RunTimes)
local Params =;
local Distance = (EndPos - Origin).unit;
local RayResults
Params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude;
Params.IgnoreWater = true;
Params.FilterDescendantsInstances = IgnoreList; -- includes the collideable part
RayResults = workspace:Raycast(Origin, Distance * Range, Params);
return RayResults
-- how its called
local RayResults = self:Raycast(self.Tool.Main.CFrame.p, + (math.random() * (spread * 2) - spread), mousePos.y + (math.random() * (spread * 2) - spread), mousePos.z + (math.random() * (spread * 2) - spread)), self:GetIgnoreList(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character), self.Config.Range and self.Config.Range or 500, function(RayResults)
if RayResults.Instance:IsDescendantOf(workspace.Assets.Interactables.Vehicles) then return false end
if RayResults.Instance.CanCollide == false or RayResults.Instance.Transparency == 1 then
return true
if RayResults.Instance:IsDescendantOf(workspace.CurrentCamera) then
return true
return false
end, self.Config.MaxRetries and self.Config.MaxRetries or 10)
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