There is a remote docker repository on nexus.connex.ro:8063
I want to skip certification validation so I have added the repository as “insecure-registriesâ€.
Unfortunately when I try to login it still complains tls: failed to verify certificate:
This is my /etc/docker/daemon.json
"insecure-registries" : ["nexus.connex.ro:8063"]
The remote repository use a self singed certificate. I have tried to save the cert into a file and put it into the /etc/docker/certs.d/nexus.connect.ro/ folder as a .crt file, but nothing changed.
This is the error message what I got:
Error response from daemon: Get "https://nexus.connex.ro:8063/v2/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs instead
Any advise how can I connect to this repo?
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