I'm working my way through the Getting Started section of the rp-rs/rp-hal project.
I've run:
rustup self update
rustup update stable
rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi
and then:
cargo install elf2uf2-rs --locked
cargo install --locked probe-rs-tools
The last one generated this error:
12:08:15 ~/projects/rp2040_1 main $ cargo install --locked probe-re-tools
**Updating** crates.io index
**Downloaded** probe-rs-tools v0.24.0
**Downloaded** 1 crate (202.9 KB) in 0.37s
**error****:** binary `cargo-embed` already exists in destination as part of `cargo-embed v0.18.0`
Add --force to overwrite
I am new to Rust and I don't understand the implications of this, so I have two questions:
or will there be negative consequences down the road?3 posts - 2 participants