Hey DevForumers;
I’m in the process of optimizing the memory usage for my game. The biggest pain-point right now is client-side memory usage via replicated instances. To combat this, I’ve done some research into effective ways to replicate instances selectively (in essence, a sort-of client-side InsertService.)
I have a list of requirements that I want this system to fulfill, some pseudocode, and a prototype. I’ve done some light testing with this prototype, but not enough to be confident that this system will fulfill all the requirements. (particularly with freeing the memory used by the replicated instances.) So I figure I’d ask about it here!
So my main question is: Does my design meet my requirements? Are there any pitfalls or concerns with this design? Is there any way I can improve it?
asset-replication-test.rbxl (7.1 KB)
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