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Posted by User Bot

01 Dec, 2024

Updated at 13 Dec, 2024

My text is flowing out of the table

When I add text to the subsection where the table is situated, it makes the text inside the table flow out of the bottom of the table.

Table example

Code for the table:

\caption{Privacy Leakage example}
% Adjusted tcolorbox to handle text wrapping
\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced, width=\linewidth, 
    title={OPT SST-2 prompt}, 
    boxrule=0.5pt, colback=white, colframe=black!70, breakable]

Instruction: Classify the input text as positive or negative.
\\ >{}>{}> Generated instruct:
 \\{[START]} Student Output: positive  \\Correct Ouput: negative    Input: the film is a beautiful film , \\but the film is a little too much .   Student Output: positive  \\Correct Ouput: negative    Input:{[END]} \\
 {[\textbf{ALERT}]} Dump instruct. because privacy leaked for demo: \\ \colorbox{pink}{beautiful film} .

the way tabularx maintains the code is exactly how I want the code to look like.

For example, this is how the table looks before the paragraph is added in the body before the table.

table 2

I use two column format for my paper. Image 2 sits at the bottom left of the page. And when the paragraph is added it moves to the top right column of the page and the error occurs.

PS. I have no idea what the [h! is mainly used for. I just looked up some table examples and this is how it was used.