I'm having trouble troubleshooting slow performance with reqwest when running in a Google Kubernetes Engine Autopilot cluster. The exact same code seems to run fine everywhere (even on a Google Compute Engine instance) but the second it is in a GKE Autopilot cluster it is about half as fast as Go.
I'm only testing using http1.1 - I've disabled h2 in my tests.
Here is what I've been testing with: GitHub - bennetthardwick/http-download-testing.
I've put them up as a container - you can test them out like this:
docker run -it bennetthardwick/http-download-testing:ubuntu-24.04
export TEST_URL='some url'
make bench_go # run go | pv > /dev/null
make bench_curl # run curl | pv > /dev/null
make bench_reqwest # run reqwest | pv > /dev/null
This is the abridged Go code that I've written:
client := http.Client {
Transport: &http.Transport {
TLSNextProto: make(map[string]func(authority string, c *tls.Conn) http.RoundTripper),
res, err := http.Get(".. url ..")
io.Copy(os.Stdout, res.Body)
This is the abridged Rust/reqwest version that I've written:
let mut stdout = std::io::stdout().lock();
let client = request::ClientBuilder::new().http1_only().build().unwrap();
let mut bytes = client.get(".. url ..").send().await.unwrap().bytes_stream();
while let Some(next) = bytes.next().await {
Running in us-central1
everything is between 200-300MiB/s. But reqwest drops down to half when running in GKE.
Here are the results I see:
Lang | Speed |
Go | 230MiB/s |
Reqwest | 210MiB/s |
Reqwest (Rustls) | 220MiB/s |
Isahc | 200MiB/s |
Ureq | 250MiB/s |
Curl | 260MiB/s |
Lang | Speed |
Go | 240MiB/s |
Reqwest | 104MiB/s |
Reqwest (Rustls) | 108MiB/s |
Isahc | 140MiB/s |
Ureq | 230MiB/s |
Curl | 220MiB/s |
One thing to note is Ureq doesn't seem to suffer from the slowdown - which starts to feel like it's some kind of tokio related issue. I've tried changing a bunch of settings and nothing helps. If anyone has any ideas I'd really appreciate it!
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