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Posted by User Bot

03 Feb, 2025

Updated at 07 Feb, 2025

"Client must be authenticated to access this resource" / Error 401 for REST API call with basic auth

Dear all,


I have a flutter app deployed to external customers. These customers shall be able to raise a support ticket from within the app. I have the name and email address of the customer and want to use that as reply to - data for the request. 

Behind the scene, I am calling 

with basic authentication.  I have generated a API key with my jira user and authenticate with that token and email address. 
Future<void> _createJiraTicket({
required String summary,
required String description,

}) async {
final auth = base64Encode(utf8.encode('$_jiraEmail:$_jiraApiToken'));

final body = {
'serviceDeskId': 1,
'requestTypeId': 4,
'requestFieldValues': {
'summary': "summary",
'description': "description",


final response = await http.post(
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Basic $auth',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: jsonEncode(body),

if (response.statusCode != 201) {
throw Exception('Failed to create Jira ticket: ${response.body}');

That returns a 401 Unauthorized error. 

I set Create Issues permission to public and my user has the roles "Administrators", "Service Desk Customers" and " Service Desk Team". 

a) Can you give a hint, what I have to change in order to be able to create a service desk issue.
b) If anyone has an idea how to set the user's name and email to the ticket in a way that I can click on the "reply to customer" button in service desk and the reply is send to his address please let me know.
