Xcode 16.2 cannot sign developer app (AppKit) after upgraded to macOS 15.3
After I upgraded to macOS 15.3, all of my current Xcode project have the signing issue, I spent half day and I didn't make any progress, I tried two projects, one is Swift AppKit App calling one C++ dylib, another one is a pure Swift AppKit app, when I build, there will be error:
Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Apple Development: Steven Tang (XXXXX)"
/Volumes/TwoTSSD/steventang/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ImageEnhancement-ddbilgyraofrdyfeljyuknusunza/Build/Products/Release/ImageEnhancement.app: errSecInternalComponent
I tried remove account, add account b...